With the Heart in Mind


With the Heart in Mind


With the Heart in Mind | The Moral & Emotional Intelligence of the Prophet ﷺ

By: Mikaeel Ahmed Smith

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About the Book

The author suggests that by studying the Emotional Intelligence of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, we improve the quality of our relationships with the people around us and we, like the Prophet ﷺ, can become catalysts for change around us. Emotional Intelligence within the author's model of intelligence is a tool by which the message of God is transferred to humanity. With the Heart in Mind reminds us that "To be loved by people is half of intelligence."

“To be loved by people is half of intelligence.”  The desire to be more like the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, means a desire to connect to people in a meaningful way. 

We all desire to connect to those around us in a meaningful way. It is our connections with others that shape who we are. A Muslim has a unique advantage, because he/she has a connection with the best of Allah’s creation. 

Shaykh Mikaeel Smith’s first book, With the Heart in Mind, asked Muslims to redefine what it means to be more like the Prophet ﷺ. Being more like him means learning how he was able to leave such a profound impact on those he interacted with.  

Being like him means having the courage to explore the pain within us so that we can reach our full potential. 

About the Author

Shaykh Mikaeel Ahmed Smith embraced Islam at the age of 18, after reading the Qur,an and The Autobiography of Malcolm X. Soon after, he enrolled in Dar al-Ulum al-Madaniyya, where he completed his memorization of the Qur'an. In 2012, he earned his Alimiyya Degree from Dar ul-Uloom Canada in Chatham, Ontario. Shaykh Mikaeel currently teaches Islamic law, theology, and hadith at Qalam Seminary in Dallas, Texas.